Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dog Dermatitis Treatment Has Anyone's Dog Been Diagnosed With Atopic Dermatitis? Success With Treatment?

Has anyone's dog been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis? Success with treatment? - dog dermatitis treatment

My mixture of 4-year-old Dobie "Rommel" had skin tests for allergies. He was allergic to many different herbs, trees, dust, mold, etc. It started atópica / cyclosporine injections against allergy, antihistamines and anti-fungal, in early July. He has missed 3 / 4 jacket, developed tremors in the limbs and papillomas (warts or pimples on). The dermatologist prescribed a second round of steroids, tapered ... not improved.

Since it does not improve and side effects of cyclosporine is obvious that he thinks to go all the way .... Who would drop everything and start over. I just started on a strict diet of raw meat (drawin). Has anyone Delt prior to this diagnosis? Take the holistic path? As in the medical field myself) (w / husband, I fully and completely understand the immune response to ... Rommel, however, is the aspect of a patient with terminal cancer.


chihuahu... said...

I dealt with him several times! Steroids do not help, even if the dog remains in contact with allergens. You must present plans have allergens that are specially made for him, also allergic to something. This will run you with 200,00, but when you consider everything that has happened is, it's worth it.

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