Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Eed To To Know All About The Toothbrush I Have A Question About The California EED (emplyment Development Department)?

I have a question about the California EED (emplyment development department)? - eed to to know all about the toothbrush

I bought a car last week. The EED has called my work and spoke w / the manager and asked me if I work there, how much work, time and how much I paid. My manger told them all stupid. Is it not illegal to my bed to find all this information to the EED. My dealer called me yesterday and left a message telling me that my manager has to say is that I emplyed and it should not give any other information. EED have no right to ask my boss how much and on what day I work? If you are not supposed to be confidential?


mattapan... said...

Your employer must pay taxes on unemployment insurance for employees. ESD has a right to determine whether your employer was covering all employees and paid the correct amount of tax. No right to privacy from them, as is a government agency that collects, ESD restrictions of confidentiality and disclose this information to third parties. Sorry, sounds a bit unusual, if not illegal collection of unemployment to full employment. Of course, you can rely on legal advice from a car salesman.

October said...

If you investigate a complaint are entitled to a little OT question, and must comply with your employer.

work1hou... said...

Hello, I would like to frindship u do


My ID is work1hours@yahoo.com

Smarty Pants™ said...

I think. I want to take. You may have a right to exist. Good luck.

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