Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tv Super Bowl 2010 Deals What Are The Thoughts On The GOP Anti-abortion Super Bowl Ad?

What are the thoughts on the GOP anti-abortion Super Bowl ad? - tv super bowl 2010 deals

There is a "conservative Christian group" to pay (in this recession), I think he said on television that 2.5 million euros for a commercial anti-abortion. The Super Bowl? The advertisements are usually fun and funny and the NFL-related, etc. Can not you see they have an attack if the "Democrats" an advertisement for the pro-choice (which does not mean "kill baby had pro" , flip, like many in the GOP. It means what it says, (the "Election") and not all Democrats are pro-choice, and I'm sure not anti-abortion Republicans. But the "conservative Christians" insurance groups try to believe that they are. "But why is the Super Bowl, because they know that millions will be on display, and saw an opportunity to try to change milliogen of the mind? In most people do not, the ads do not affect them one way or another. Women's groups protested against the announcement. ...


Leader of the Birthers said...

Completely out of place for a football match and were able to return there.

yellow.4... said...

How many women watch the Super Bowl with stress? seems that the money could be better identification of persons with criminal intent in their ranks, or perhaps the money could be used to eat people, hell, why not help the millions of children in the adoption program.

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